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“NAMI Greater Houston provides support, education, advocacy and public awareness so that all individuals and families impacted by mental illness can build better lives.”

NAMI Greater Houston Key Staff

“Our mission is to provide advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.”


Angelina Hudson, MPA

Chief Executive Officer

Tiffany Ross, MSSW

Chief Operations Officer

Kern Vanderburg, MHPS, PSS

Warmline Manager & Peer Specialist Supervisor

Debra Womack, BS

NAMIWalks Manager

Bonita Y. Green, MBA

Operations Officer
Sergio Headshot formal

Sergio Aguirre, Certified Family Navigator

Programs Manager
C.Neal 4

Cameron Neal

Social Media Content Creator

NAMI Greater Houston - Board of Directors

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Charlzetta McMurray-Horton, RN-BC


Nursing Strategic Initiatives

Leslie buck

Leslie Buck

Vice President

Parent, Volunteer, Community Advocate


LaDonna Finnels


Solutions Expert and Founder, Energy Industry Support International

Ted Isensee

Ted Isensee

CPA Treasurer

Certified Public Accountant, former CFO & Controller, Founder of Isensee Foundation for Safe Police Response, Member of Public Policy and Advocacy Committee. Isensee Assoc. Inc., Profitize, LLC.

With Host Chris Johnson (1)

Catherine Blackwell-Garner, MSN

Deblin Health Concepts


Jonathan Danforth

Mark Dean

Mark Dean

Former Pastor at Sienna Ranch Baptist Church

Lori Durland

Lori Durland

Support Group Facilitator in Montgomery County, supports Montgomery & Liberty counties, active NAMI Greater Houston volunteer and fundraiser.


Glenda Demas, PsyD.

Founder of non-profit Pearls of Change.


Gayle Y. Fisher

Dr. Maria Alexander Holmes

Dr. Maria Alexander Holmes

Former Associate Dean at Honors College, Sam Houston State University

Kimberly King

Kimberly T. King

Former Global disAbility Inclusion Program Manager |
Scott Soland

Lt. Scott Soland

Manages Crisis Intervention Teams at Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office


Dr. Eric Storch

Steven Starks, MD

Steven Starks, MD, MBA, DFAPA

Sarah D Whitmire

Sarah Whitmire

LPC-S, ATR-BC, Whitmire Counseling and Supervision LLC

Brenda LaVar

Dr. Brenda LaVar

President Emeritus

Community Relations Administrator at Wellpath

NAMI Greater Houston Advisory Board

Dr. Steven Schnee Chairman

Garnet Coleman

Dick Easterwood

Shelley Green

Dr. Karyn Hall

Dr. Regenia Hicks

Amanda Jones

Bill Kelly

Dr. Sanjay Mathew

Hon. Judge Gray H. Miller

Dr. Jair Soares

Frank Webb


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