Request A Speaker or an Exhibit Table
To learn more about our speaker services or schedule a presentation, call Tiffany Ross at (713) 970-4431, Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM (CST) or email
If you would like NAMIGH to participate in a health fair or want to request an informational table, please email NAMI Exhibits at

Mental Health Educational Outreach for our Community Organizations & Schools
Our Speakers Bureau is pleased to offer a number of outreach programs to bring hope to families and individuals who suffer from biological brain disorders/mental illness. Through our educational outreach programs, we can reduce stigma, provide needed community-related resources and inform the public that treatment works!
Schedule your presentation for civic groups, faith-based groups, schools, PTA’s, colleges, and professional organizations. Please allow 4 weeks advance notice if possible.
Available Presentations Include:
NAMI Overview
(30-minute presentation to 1 hour)
An overview of the services offered at NAMI Greater Houston including our support groups, educational classes, and advocacy initiatives. A brief testimony of living with mental illness from either the consumer or family member perspective is included.
Family and Friends
(60 min or 90 min presentation)
NAMI Family & Friends is a presentation that informs general audiences of basic mental health information, how best to be supportive, and community resources available.
In Our Own Voice
(60 to 90-minute presentation)
A brief, yet comprehensive interactive presentation about mental illness including video, personal testimony, and discussion-enriches the audience’s understanding of how people with these serious disorders cope with the reality of their illnesses while recovering and reclaiming productive lives.
Topics include: Dark Days, Acceptance, Treatment, Coping Strategies, Successes, and Hopes and Dreams.
This presentation can be adapted to fit your time schedule. Learn more about the IOOV presentation here.