NAMI Homefront
Classes for the friends and family of Military Service Members and Veterans

NAMI Homefront is a free, 6-session educational program designed to address the unique needs of family, caregivers and friends of military personnel who have served or are currently serving our country and live with mental health conditions, such as PTSD, Borderline, or other diagnoses. NAMI Homefront is offered online and in person.
What to Expect?
Pre-registration is required
*All participants are screened to ensure this class is appropriate for their needs.
Recovery is a journey and there is hope for all families and Service Members/Veterans dealing with a mental illness and the invisible wounds of war like PTSD. You can experience compassion and reinforcement from people who relate to your experiences. Through your participation, you have the opportunity to help others grow. We encourage you to attend one of our family support groups or a support group specifically for military families.
For more information about Homefront visit
To host a NAMI Homefront class at your venue, contact Tiffany Ross, Outreach and Programs Director at 713-970-4431 or email
Check out our full list of upcoming classes on the NAMI GH Calendar under the "Calendar" tab at the top of the home page.
To join an upcoming class, call 713-970-4435 or email, or Click register now.
One of our program coordinators, will contact you to complete your registration and provide additional information.